" Thank you for being our teachers... "

sâmbătă, 3 martie 2012

Secrets about our EPs: Daša

Daša Vaľková, este o persoană deosebită, aventuroasă, care-i place ceea ce face la moment și are un talent nemaivăzut de a munci. A fost LC VP OGX din Mai 2009 până în Aprilie 2010. Ocupându-se un an întreg cu programul global de internship-uri AIESEC, promovând diverse stagii, pentru diverși studenți, a considerat că deja e timpul să experimenteze și să testeze ceea ce stia doar în teorie… avind posibilitatea în acelați timp să călătorească și să-și facă în același timp noi prieteni.
   Fiind un exchange participant al proiectului UpGreat, ediția a IV “Project Management”, la moment, Daša, este acea persoana responsabilă de livrarea trainingurilor de tip soft skills, a studiilor e caz și de alte prezentări, adaptate la profilul participanților din proiect, aceștia fiind elevi claselor X-XII. Acestea sunt considerate niște oportunități de orientare profesională, cât și personală, ceea ce-i permite lor să dobândească capacități ridicate într-un anumit domeniu.

What were your first impressions about our country?
- Omg, I´ll die here... :D No, no, it was ok, first experience in „marsutka“ on the way from the airport to the university, with all the luggage etc. It was quite strange  - After that – „cultural shock“ because of public transport - Wonder, how the things/processes are working here – different as in my country or in countries I have been before - Food, drinks similar to those in Slovakia - People in the town or public transport usually don´t smile - Big differences between people – poor/reach - Mostly low life standard => some people use public transport to stole money from people - Many opportunities to open business/improve everything/implement new things.

What do you like the most here and why?
- AIESEC members – time spent with AIESECers, working, enjoying stay together => cause they shown me another perspective of life... - Project => cause I met new interesting people and had the chance to improve my presentation skills/public speaking... I could discover my personality, know better, what I´m good in, what i like/don´t like to do... - Trips => because i had the opportunity to discover the country and see many beutiful places/villages/casual life of people living here...
How are the AIESEC-ers from Moldova?
- Kind, nice, always helpful, they try to spend as much time with us – Eps as possible, at least some of them, they are trying to fulfill all our expectations/needs, - Very professional, high-quality people, personally developed, with clear vision, proactive, not afraid to take all the opportunities

What do you do at the moment here, in Moldova?
- Exchange participant – Upgreat Project Management – trainer/facilitator, delivering trainings about soft skills + project management (agenda) for a group of high schol students, coach of a group of participant... - Traveling, trying to know better Moldova – trips to the neighbourhood, restaurants, city tours...

What did you learn by being faraway from ur relatives?
- I´m able to survive also without them, - I can establish relations with (at the beginning) unknown people - I can enjoy every single moment with new friends, - There are always nice people prepared and willing to help me, - Value more help, support of my relatives - Cook better 

In which countries did you also travel, by being an exchange participant?
- only Moldova, during Perforum I met people from many countries (Hong – Kong, Japan, Great Britain, Ukraine...) + as EP together with people from Portugal, China, Turkey, Nigeria > is not the same, but at least i learnt a lot about different countries during talks.
De asemenea, Dașa susține că:
"Prima cea mai bună zi din viața unei persoane este aceea în care câștigi un joc, iar a doua cea mai bună zi este atunci când pierzi pe acesta.
Ar fi trebuit să conștientizăm că o decizie înțeleaptă nu ar fi trebuită luată în momente de breakdown sau supărare, ea trebuie să fie lucidă!"

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